Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Physik

Sie finden das Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum in der Uferstrasse 90. Eine Anfahrtsskizze finden Sie hier


Start of the FS24
Geschrieben am 2024-02-26
The introduction to the FP will be in the lab room at Uferstr. 90 on Thursday February 29rd at 14.15h!

Start of HS23 and Electronics Introduction
Geschrieben am 2023-09-14
On September 21 at 14:15 we will start the FP with a short introduction and presentation of the experiments. Then the first part of the electronics introduction will be given by Liza Žaper, Andrian Vervelaki and Kousik Bagani from Prof. Martino Poggio's group. Part 2 and 3 will take place on 28.9. and 5.10., please reserve these afternoons for this course.
There will be a small change in the FP rules as we often register that students submit the reports just before finishing the bachelor and then are surprised when there are corrections. If a report is not submitted completely at least 2 months after the end of the experiment, the experiment will be cancelled and must be repeated or another experiment must be chosen. You will receive a reminder 2 weeks before this deadline.