Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Physik

Sie finden das Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum in der Uferstrasse 90. Eine Anfahrtsskizze finden Sie hier


Start of HS24 and Electronics Introduction
Geschrieben am 2024-09-10
On September 19th at 14:15 we will start the FP with a short introduction and presentation of the experiments. The first part of the mandatory Electronics Introduction will start a week later on Thursday, 26.9. and will be given by Andrian Vervelaki, Aris Lafranca and Damien Richert from the group of Prof. Martino Poggio. Part 2 and 3 will take place on 3.10. and 10.10. starting at 14:00, please reserve these afternoons for this course!

Start of the FS24
Geschrieben am 2024-02-26
The introduction to the FP will be in the lab room at Uferstr. 90 on Thursday February 29rd at 14.15h!